Chart Explanations

Weekly Charts

# Last Week Song  Artist Weeks
Yearly Charts
# Song  Artist Points Weeks Peak
Points for the yearly charts are calculated using inverse points from the weekly charts.
Each week, the # 1 song gets 20 points, the # 2 song gets 19 points, # 3 gets 18, and so on.
The # 20 song gets 1 point.
Each song's points are added up for each week to reach the total.
A song's entire chart run will be used for the yearly chart.
Songs appear on the yearly chart corresponding to the year they peak on the weekly charts.
For songs that tie in points on the yearly charts, the following tie-breakers are used:
1. Most weeks at # 1
2. Most weeks at # 2
3. Most weeks at # 3
4. Most weeks at # 4
5. Etc.
If songs remain tied after all 20 tie-breakers, then they will be listed as tied on the yearly chart.
Tied songs appear in alphabetical order, and are marked by letters, for example: 99A and 99B.